Och chemtrails, homeopati och massor av annat dravel. Den kan jämföras med Wikipedia, båda drivs ideellt och en hel del som skrivs är 


Besök denna intressanta och världens största websida om kobratelefoner! Made by Richard Rose in USA. Ericofon.com · Wikipedia - Ericofon / Kobratelefon

La théorie conspirationniste des chemtrails [ˈkɛmtre ɪ ls] avance que certaines traînées blanches créées par le passage des avions en vol sont composées de produits chimiques délibérément répandus en haute altitude par diverses agences gouvernementales pour des raisons dissimulées au grand public. Berlin schoeneberg chemtrails 02.06.2013 15-51-20.JPG 3,648 × 2,736; 3.14 MB Chemtrail sticker in Spanish.jpg 1,728 × 1,794; 1.1 MB Conspiracy theorist protest Berlin Straße des 17 Juni 2020-08-01 32.jpg 8,368 × 5,584; 16.51 MB Welcome to Chemtrails Wiki - It's way over our heads! Something is happening in the skies across the planet. Masses of different planes are moving across the skies at varying speeds producing clouds that are blocking the Sun through the production of haze and clouds, which are ultimately changing our climates.

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följande kommentar:. Adrenokrom - Wikipedia. Adrenokrom (C9H9NO3) är ett pigment som uppstår vid oxidering av adrenalin (epinefrin). Adrenokrom monosemikarbazon har en .

Els defensors de l'existència de les chemtrails afirmen que hom albira esteles a altures inferiors, per la qual cosa no es podria tractar de simples contrails. Der Begriff Chemtrails [.mw-parser-output .IPA a{text-decoration:none}ˈkem.treɪlz] , gelegentlich auch Giftwolken,[2] und wird im Zusammenhang mit einer seit den 1990er Jahren verbreiteten Verschwörungstheorie für eine angeblich spezielle Art von Kondensstreifen verwendet.

2013-06-23 · Category:Chemtrails. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. In Wikipedia. Add links. This page was last edited on 23 June 2013, at 06:37.

The U.S. government has now openly admitted to spraying our atmosphere with foreign particulates. Former CIA Director, John Brennan (2013-2017) admitted, in his own words, to the existence of government pic.twitter.com/Q0BbDaVjXy — Uriel (@Urylle) September 17, 2020 The truth is the government is spraying deadly chemtrails in hopes of population reduction.

Chemtrails wikipedia


ケムトレイル(英: Chemtrail )またはケムトレイル陰謀論(英: Chemtrail conspiracy theory )は、長時間残留している飛行機雲は、高高度を飛行する航空機から(一般人には秘密にされている邪悪な意図で)空中に散布された有害な化学物質や生物兵器である 。 Chemtrail je naziv za teoriju zavjere prema kojoj neki avioni potajno izbacuju nepoznate čestice ili kemikalije prilikom leta koje ostavljaju trag na nebu kako bi navodno kontrolirali vremenske uvjete. "Chemtrails" was premiered by Zane Lowe on BBC Radio 1 on May 19, 2008. The song was made available to stream from Beck's official website and his MySpace. [1] [2] The song was available to download on June 22, 2008, or a day later in the United States, as well as a pre-order of Modern Guilt .

Chemtrail (kemikaliespår), även Aerosolized powder contrails, är olika konspirationsteorier om att de långvariga spår som kan ses på himlen efter högtflygande jetflygplan skulle innehålla giftiga kemiska eller biologiska aerosoler som avsiktligen och i hemlighet sprayas ut av myndigheter i stor skala i olika syften. Chemtrails (derived from " chemical trails "), according to various kooks, are a currently ongoing mass aerial dispersal of unknown chemicals by The Powers That Be, for some vague but definitely nefarious purpose. A chemtrail (chemical trail azaz vegyi csík) egy összeesküvés-elmélet, melynek hívei azt állítják, hogy a chemtrail-repülőgépek titokban mérgező vegyi anyagokat permeteznek, melyek megmérgezik és butítják a lakosságot. Welcome to Chemtrails Wiki - It's way over our heads! Something is happening in the skies across the planet. Masses of different planes are moving across the skies at varying speeds producing clouds that are blocking the Sun through the production of haze and clouds, which are ultimately changing our climates.
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According to a conspiracy theory, the chemicals are said to be deliberately sprayed for reasons that are kept secret by the government. Most scientists and workers in the aviation industry say that the trails left by planes are just a form of condensation. Juni 2019.

Monitoring the 24/7 poisoning of every living thing on the planet. chemtrail.
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Monolingual examples (not verified by PONS Editors). English. It also rebutted chemtrail theories more directly by identifying the theories as a hoax and denying  

Ett privat blogginlägg, t.ex: https://kellyquelette.wordpress.com/2016/10/11/why-im-voting-for-donald-trump/; En Wikipedia-artikel: https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/  MEDIA · NEWSMILL · PUBLIC SERVICE · PROPAGANDA · WIKILEAKS · WIKIPEDIA · VETENSKAP · TEKNIK · ELEKTROSMOG · SPACE · KLIMAT & MILJÖ  På fotografier på webbplatser som tar upp ämnet chemtrails kan de cirrusmolnliknande spår som bildats på himlen vara allt från rutmönster till  länkar till lite saker på Wikipedia osv: (dock är ju inte WP 100% i det här med chemtrails: http://www.panacea-bocaf.org/chemtrails.htm.

https://sv.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joint_European_Torus Allt fler insekter och fåglar försvinner, en dokumentation 1 augusti, 2017 I "Chemtrails".

Masses of different planes are moving across the skies at varying speeds producing clouds that are blocking the Sun through the production of haze and clouds, which are ultimately changing our climates. A teoria da conspiração sobre a chemtrail (do inglês, chemical trail: 'trilha química') alega que os rastros deixados por alguns aviões são na verdade agentes químicos ou biológicos, deliberadamente pulverizados a grandes altitudes, com propósitos desconhecidos do público, causando danos à saúde da população.

29 https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illuminafi. B ild kä lla 59 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_proof chemtrails-1.32335.